Tirthankar Lahiri has worked in the database industry for 20+ years. He is currently the Senior Vice President of Data and In-Memory Technologies at Oracle and manages the Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) Engine Group, TimesTen In-Memory Database, and Oracle NoSQL DB teams. Lahiri first got his Bachelors of Tech in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He then went on to get his MS from Stanford University. He was also in the Ph.D. program at Stanford, in which his research areas were Multiprocessor Operating Systems and Semi-Structured Data. Since June 2006, Lahiri has been involved in the development of Oracle’s TimesTen in-memory Database. Since September 2012, Lahiri has been the Vice President of TimesTen and manages the engineering team for the database. Finally, since 2013, Tirthankar Lahiri has been managing the Oracle RDBMS Data Space Transaction (DST) team, along with TimesTen.